I began the Daily Thought about 15 years ago as a way to try and encourage people in their faith. An inspirational thought to think about throughout the day can help all of us overcome the many challenges we face each day as followers of Christ.

I used to pay a company to manage the mailing list but that got to expensive so now I am using the Subscribe feature on Blogger.

You can subscribe to the Daily Thought by going to the top of the Daily Thought page and clicking on the "Subscribe" button. You will need to validate your email.

There is no real order or "plan" with the Daily Thoughts. They are all very random and a sometimes a result of things I see in my life, or struggles other people are having. And in reality, somedays I am just looking for something without a lot of thought.

Let's remember to "encourage each other while it is still today" (cf. Hebrews 3:13).