Talk 1 "God's Love"
Talk 2 "Salvation"
Talks 3&4 "New Life/Receiving God's Gift"
Talk 5 "Praying For Baptism in the Holy Spirit"
Best Article On Baptism In The Holy Spirit
Day of Reflection Men's Group (June 30, 2012) - Holy Innocents Parish, Duvall
Catechetical Certification (Archdiocese of Seattle)
Catechetical Certification (Archdiocese of Seattle)
Article I Wrote
from Pope Benedict XVI's book The Yes of Jesus Christ
Article that Appeared in New Covenant Magazine in the early 90's by Fr. Thomas Weinady
Presentation on the nature of belief and fantasy and the proper attitude to approach the Beatitudes
Resource I wrote to help people resolve conflicts
Presentation on the woman at the well from St. John's Gospel
Why The Beatitudes are so important
Fighting the Good Faith - Practical Help from St. Ignatius of Loyola
Books I used on the retreat with links to Amazon and music
Inland Empire Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference June7-8, 2013
Inland Empire Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference June7-8, 2013
Inland Empire Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference June7-8, 2013
Inland Empire Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference June7-8, 2013
Inland Empire Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference June7-8, 2013
Great article on how Christians should use their speech.
Faith Resources For Lent 2014
Teaching on the 3 Holy Days
Video Presentations for the Fire It Up! Retreat
Homily Given On Ordination Day
Article on Religious Freedom
Great Homily Given at Conference